

While intellectual challenge is at the heart of an Augustana education, some students desire an even more academically rigorous and focused experience. Augustana encour年龄s those students to become part of the Civitas荣誉计划.

“Civitas”在拉丁语中是“公民”的意思.“Civitas荣誉计划鼓励学生通过小的探索公民的特点, 创新课程,探索当代问题,因为他们涉及到12bet游戏平台校园的公民身份, 在美国和全球范围内.






Intellectual challenge is at the heart of an Augustana University education. Some students desire an even more academically rigorous and focused experience. Augustana encour年龄s those students to become part of Civitas荣誉计划. Civitas 在拉丁语中是什么意思 公民身份.

Civitas荣誉课程鼓励学生探索公民的特点,虽然很小, innovative classes that explore contemporary issues as they relate to 公民身份 on campus, 在美国和全球范围内.

The foundation of the Civitas荣誉计划 is Lutheran theologian Deitrich Bonhoeffer’s essay 负责任生活的结构. 在这, 邦霍费尔探讨了代理人的角色, 针对性, 正义, 公民生活中的自由和使命. Civitas提供的课程探讨了负责任的生活和桥梁学科的这些特点. Civitas课程的一些例子包括:

  • 正义:食物的伦理学与生态学
  • Justice: The Quest for Justice from Plato to Genesis to Job
  • Freedom: The Sound of Freedom: Music 历史 and Literature of the Non-Western World
  • 《自由:1600年至今美国的种族与自由
  • Pertinence: Germs Gone Wild: The Influence of Disease on Civilizations
  • 相关性:数字:模拟环境

荣誉课程不仅仅是12bet游戏平台读更多的书或写额外的论文来完成标准的大学课程. 而不是, 该项目提供内容新颖的课程, 创造性教学策略, 慷慨的师生互动, and interdisciplinary foci that help students translate their education into action at the local, 国家, 在全球范围内.

Civitas is the college-wide, interdisciplinary honors program. Many students also choose to pursue departmental honors within their major(s).